Community is what UKAT is all about, and is at the heart of everything we do. UKAT exists to be a supportive community of practice for higher education practitioners who are passionate about personal tutoring and academic advising and the role it plays in helping students flourish. Through this community we share ideas and practice and support one another in finding the most effective ways to support our students to help them achieve their goals and aspirations.
There are also a range of communities within UKAT which focus on specific aspects of personal tutoring and academic advising practice.
Special Interest Groups
UKAT has a range of informal communities that focus on specific aspects of personal tutoring and academic advising, or on tutoring and advising specific student populations. Our Special Interest Groups are friendly communities that exist for, and are responsive to, the needs of their members. They provide a safe space for discussion, sharing ideas and practice and mutual support.
Learn more about our Special Interest Groups
Professional Development Community
Led by the Professional Development Committee, UKAT has a focus on enhancing of the UKAT community and the wider higher education sector. Through this community we provide resources, guidance, events and publications to support the professional development of practitioners in the field, at all levels and in all roles.
Learn more about our professional development community
Research Community
Spearheaded by our Research Committee, UKAT's research community supports the scholarship of personal tutoring and academic advising, helping practitioners to ask meaningful research questions, conduct robust research studies and provide evidence of the impact of personal tutoring on student success.