Individual Awards
Charlie Nutt Award for Supporting and Promoting International Collaboration in Academic Advising
Awarded to an individual who made has made exceptional efforts to promote international exchange and / or cooperation between academic advisors and others in similar roles.
Susan Corner
University Of Victoria
For collaborative working across global advising and student support associations, including UKAT, LVSA, CACUSS and NACADA; leading the work to introduce NACADA's Global Friends Network and Visitor Advisor Programme to support peer-to-peer advisor connections and trans-national advisor work exchange opportunities.

George Steele
Ohio State University
For a significant and sustained work in connecting the UK higher education institutions to practitioners, advising practices, and advising technology from around the globe through extensive unpaid consultancy work.

Oscar van den Wijngaard
Maastricht University
For tireless efforts to link the global advising community, facilitating collaborations between international advising associations, and for organizing inspiring international events which link advising communities.

Gavin Farber
The College Of New Jersey
For establishing mentoring programmes with Australian, Canadian, Chinese, Dutch, Japanese, UK and US advisors; establishing and coordinating UKAT's Special Interest Groups

Innovation in Advising
Awarded to an individual who has shown outstanding innovation in their individual practice as an advisor, or in supporting the development of others and the enhancement of advising.
Rabeya Khatoon
University of Bristol
For research focused on postgraduate academic support and tutoring. Undertaking a developmental approach to supporting postgraduate students

Neil Bangs
Middlesex University
For development and implementation of a 5-year programme of enhancement of personal tutoring in the Sports Science programmes at Middlesex University based around a structured, group-based tutorial curriculum

Colum Cronin
Dublin City University
For the creation and hosting of the Adventures in Advising podcast series

Holly Lawson
Portland State University
For the creation of an effective VLE-based flipped advising curriculum to support distance learning students

Matt Markin
California State University - San Bernadino
For the creation and hosting of the Adventures in Advising podcast series

Outstanding Contribution to UKAT
Awarded to an individual who has shown outstanding dedication to, and commitment in, supporting the work of UKAT to enhance advising practice.
Michael Talbot
University of Greenwich
For going above and beyond as a UKAT Trustee, establishing new policies and procedures, raising UKAT's profile and involvement in national policy agendas, championing the establishment of UKAT's Waypoint journal and capably chairing and delivering the 2024 UKAT Conference.

Josephine Gabi
Manchester Metropolitan University
For establishing the UKAT Equity and Inclusion SIG, coordinating, leading and securing funding for cross-institutional research on the impact of personal tutoring on awarding gaps, and publishing this in educational research journals and conferences.

George Steele
Ohio State University
For a signficiant and sustaind contribution to the life and work of UKAT, through the delivery of courses, workshops and consultancy projects over several years

Sarah Bosch
Sheffield Hallam University
For the instigation and development of the UKAT Profesisonal Development Curriculum, the support and coordination of module developers, and the vision and persistence to see this project to completion.

Helen Tidy
Teesside University
For leading and developing UKAT’s Professional Recognition scheme

Professor Michael Draper
Swansea University
For outstanding advocacy for UKAT, contribution to the development of the UKAT Professional Recognition Scheme and contribution to a variety of UKAT working groups

Nicola Poppitt
Teesside University
For outstanding contribution to the development, mentoring and assessment of the UKAT Professional Recognition Scheme, and for contribution to various UKAT working groups

Dr Dionne Barton
De Montfort University
For outstanding dedication and service coordinating publications, coordinating, mentoring and assessing for Professional Recognition scheme, Committees and working groups member

Melissa Jacobi
For oustanding dedication and support of UKAT members as Membership Coordinator

Outstanding Student Support
Awarded to an individual who has shown outstanding dedication and support to their students through academic advising.
Emma Delaney
University of Surrey
For going above and beyond in supporting students, especially marginalised and anxious students. Additionally, for implementing school-wide enhancements to personal tutoring practice, researching the impact of attendance policy on staff and students and disseminating all of these through journal publications and conference presentations.

Claire Spencer
University of Bristol
For research in understanding students’ needs and working with colleagues to raise awareness of tutoring

Institutional Awards
Innovation in Advising
Awarded to a higher education institution which has shown outstanding innovation in their institutional approach to academic advising.

For the innovative, whole-institution Listening Rooms approach to understanding and developing academic advising practice. Uses structured conversations between staff and student peers to understand lived experiences of advising.

For taking a bold approach to personal tutoring, making it front and centre in the students' higher education experience and in the university's support of learning

For an institution-wide, e-Portfolio-based approach to a structured, developmental personal tutoring programme
Outstanding Student Support
Awarded to an individual who has shown outstanding dedication and support to their students through academic advising.

For a well-developed, research-informed, impactful doughnut model of Foundation-year student support which provides robust support to students at the start of their educational career through a mix of pre-arrival support, one-to-one appointments, drop-ins, targeted workshops, online learning, targeted transition support and academic, health, emotional, financial and disability support.
Outstanding Student Support
Awarded to a higher education institution which has shown outstanding commitment to supporting students and student success through academic advising.

For providing all students on taught courses with a consistent, impactful and personalised advising experience through the Student Support Triangle of Academic Adviser, Student Support Adviser and Employability Adviser - consistent structure and advising models across the institution including: - - dedicated central advising team; - planned workload for advisors; - extensive adviser training; - off-the-shelf resources for advisers

For the scale and creativity of the approaches it has applied to redeveloping and innovating its academic advising and student support in the challenging context of Covid-19

For a highly effective group tutorial approach to support student engagement and beloning during the Covid pandemic