UKAT recognises that personal tutoring and academic advising personalises learning, promotes student persistence, enhances success, and helps address differential attainment, supporting a student’s academic progress and personal development throughout their time in higher education.
Foundational Guidance
The UKAT Core Values of Personal Tutoring and Academic Advising, and the UKAT Professional Framework for Academic Advising and Personal Tutoring, are the core guidance which define effective advising and tutoring and underpin all of UKAT's activities.
The Core Values of Personal Tutoring and Academic Advising
The UKAT Core Values of Personal Tutoring and Academic Advising articulates the values that underpin effective personal tutoring and academic advising processes, as well as the core personal values demonstrated by effective personal tutors and academic advisors in supporting their students.
The Professional Framework for Academic Advising and Personal Tutoring
Personal tutoring/academic advising supports students to achieve their academic and personal aspirations. The UKAT Professional Framework for Advising and Tutoring articulates the knowledge and competencies that tutors and advisors need to demonstrate to effectively support student development and success. It acknowledges the variety and quality of advising and tutoring practices which support students in their journey through higher education and supports the continuing professional development of staff engaged in academic and pastoral advising or tutoring of students.
Professional Recognition of Personal Tutors and Academic Advisors
Referenced against the UKAT Professional Framework for Advising and Tutoring, the UKAT Professional Recognition Scheme evidences the competencies and skills that tutors/advisors need to deliver effective, quality-enhanced approaches to student success. It encourages tutors and advivors to develop a reflective approach to the continual enhancement of their advising and tutoring practice informed by scholarship within the field. It scaffolds progression in individual practice to continually enhance capability for supporting students more effectively. It provides a a measurable way to evidence the valuable work of tutors and advisors’ in supporting student success and makes them feel valued and recognised for performing this role effectively.
Learn more about the UKAT Professional Recognition Scheme