Leadership Positions
Current Vacancies
The following UKAT leadership positions are currently available:
Newsletter Editor
These roles all support the day-to-day operation of UKAT and are important roles in the UKAT leadership. They require a significant time commitment from anyone wanting to take on the role. Click on a role title above to view the full role description, list of responsibilities and time commitment required. More information about these roles will be available at the UKAT 2019 Annual Conference in Plymouth.
UKAT invites applications from members for these vacant positions. These positions are filled by appointment, not by election, and are ongoing appointments for as long as the holder wants to continue in the role. Applicants are invited to review the role descriptor for the role they are interested in, and to submit a short (no more than 500 word) application for the role to nominations@ukat.uk. Your application should outline why you would like the role, and what skills and experience you can bring to it.