Developing and Implementing a Personal Tutoring Code and Learner Analytics
Wednesday, September 2, 2020 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
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Session Outline
Presentation of the development, implementation and evaluation of the Teesside University (TU) Personal Tutoring Code and of the introduction and integration of StREAM software to inform and shape personal tutoring conversations.
Teesside University, in Middlesbrough, North East of England is a dynamic and modern University. Widening participation is one of our main strengths in engaging students from under-represented groups and helping them succeed. Excellence in learning and teaching at TU is defined and executed through our Future Facing Learning [FFL] initiative. Part of the deployment has included an FFL Toolkit and an iPad to facilitate access and engagement. In 2019-2020 Learner analytics were added to this initiative in the form of electronic registration and StREAM package. Personal Tutoring is a key component of the student journey and has the potential to significantly influence the student learning experience and improve retention and achievement.
Our aim is to enhance the learning experience, well-being and achievement of TU students. As part of our Teesside 2020 strategic plan, a Personal Tutoring Code of Practice was developed. This sets out a brief list of guidance points for implementation of University wide Personal Tutoring. The Code covers all undergraduate and taught postgraduate courses except certain professional courses where they had individual arrangements. The code aims to encompass the diversity of courses, and student needs across TU.
StREAM is a Learner Analytics tool designed to promote learner engagement. It helps Personal Tutors and their Tutees to know what “good” looks like. The tool provides students with the means to reflect and self-regulate their learning experience, and provides a richer picture and a holistic view of engagement rather than just attendance.
The evolution, implementation and status update of the Personal Tutoring Code of Practice and of the StREAM Learner Analytics will be presented and discussed.
Key Takeaways
Managing expectations, managing implementation.
Ahern, S., J. (2018) The potential and pitfalls of learning analytics as a tool for supporting student wellbeing. Journal of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, 1 (2)
Thomas L, Hill M, O’Mahoney J, Yorke M (2017) Supporting Student Success: Strategies for Institutional Change. HEA
This session addresses the following competencies of the UKAT Professional Framework for Advising and Tutoring
C3 - Academic advising and tutoring approaches and strategies
I7 - Data and information technology applicable to tutoring
R4 - Plan and conduct successful advising and tutoring interactions