Professional Development, part of a bachelor curriculum
Thursday, September 3, 2020 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
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Session Outline
To learn how to cope with the increase in complexity in society and within organizations, uncertainties and ambiguity; the fact that rapid technological changes mean that well-defined jobs from the past will increasingly disappear; students are trained for work and qualifications that have not yet been defined or are clear, it is important for every student to be able to pay attention to this within a study program.
Students choose the bachelor Creative Technology (CreaTe) because it is a broad and interdisciplinary study, but also to postpone the choice for a specific discipline or direction. Because the field is so wide, choices still have to be made in the long term. Not choosing can ultimately also lead to uncertainties and a violation of the well-being of students. To discover, to be able to make choices as an individual and to come into contact with colleagues, customers and employers, the Professional Development component of the CreaTe curriculum offers students time, and guidance from a trained mentor
By paying attention to own (professional) qualities, challenges and passions; choice processes; how to deal with uncertainties and changes; adaptability; resilience; motivation, inspiration and curiosity; taking initiatives; wishes to deepen or broaden components of the curriculum; exploring the professional field and profiling themselves, ‘Professional Development’ aims to prepare students for a life as a responsible professional in a constantly changing world.
The implementations and developments are closely in line with the new (November 2019) Dutch strategic agenda for higher education and research "Sustainable for the future" and the document “Shaping 2030” (November 2019) of the University of Twente. In the last document the university formulated a new mission and vision for the period up to 2030. These should provide guidance for shaping the future in line with the new developments of this - and future times.
With the presentation of the development process, the current content of Professional Development, quality assurance and the plans for the future; the role of mentors; own position, role and developments, the presenter hopes to give colleagues useful information, to inspire them to determine their position, to take new paths, and to develop matters that they consider important. In all this, the base is the presenter’s (and LVSA & university of Twente) vision on guiding students: it is important that students, based on their own responsibility and taking into account the life issues and (possible) special circumstances of young adults, are supported and guided in their development towards independently functioning professionals.
This session addresses the following competencies of the UKAT Professional Framework for Advising and Tutoring
P1 - Create and support environments that consider the needs and perspectives of students, and respect individual learners
C3 - Academic advising and tutoring approaches and strategies
I2 - Curriculum, degree programmes and pathways, including options