Understanding how real time student engagement data can support the Personal Academic Tutor
Thursday, September 3, 2020 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
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Session Outline
Our Student Retention, Engagement, Attainment and Monitoring (StREAM) platform identifies disengaged learners and exposes patterns of behaviour that might be the pre-curser to a crisis. A bit like a fitness app for education, the StREAM application provides your students with a powerful tool for self-adjustment and calibration, providing near real time, daily feedback in support of helping them to become more independent and self-determined in their studies.
Key Benefits of StREAM:
- Champions meaningful relationships between Tutors and Students by providing the basis for non-biased, supportive discussions
- Supports individualised learning by helping students understand their unique learning journey to aid their decision making for future success
- Enables early interventions by Tutors up to 6 – 8 weeks earlier than without using the platform
- Provides an unbiased metric as engagement is based on real activity allowing a clearer understanding of learning behaviours
- Enables immediate action without the need for large data sets to be aggregated in advance
- Provides simple and easy to understand data analysis from multiple systems utilising powerful visualisations for ease of interpretation
This session will focus on how Personal Academic Tutors can easily use the engagement data to quickly identify those students at risk of disengaging from their studies, enabling an individualised support mechanism to be implemented.
We are now being used widely within the HEI sector with some of the most progressive institutions.