Volunteering and Working with UKAT

Dr Ann Bingham (University of Southampton)

Tuesday, September 1, 2020 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

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Session Outline

UKAT is your organisation; it exists for, and is driven by, it’s members. Come along to this session to discover the opportunities that exist for members to get involved in the work of UKAT and in setting its direction.

This session explores all the ways you can support the activities of UKAT from volunteering through to activities which might provide some level of remuneration. In particular, the session will consider how you can get involved in

  • creating publications and training resources for the sector
  • delivering and supporting webinars, conferences and other events
  • supporting professional recognition as a mentor or assessor
  • delivering consultancy and/or training as a UKAT consultant
  • the governance and leadership of UKAT as a committee member or trustee
  • connecting your campus more closely to UKAT to benefit you and your colleagues