Welcome and Introductions
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 8:30 AM - 8:50 AM
If you are a registered delegate, please login to view the full session information and resources
Session Outline
Join us as we welcome delegates and open our Festival! Get ready for:
- Professional development and practice-sharing sessions
- Interactive workshops
- Panel discussions
- Technology in Tutoring showcase - technology demonstrator illustrating how technology can make advising and tutoring more effective for students and more efficient for staff
- Launch celebration for UKAT-edited Frontiers in EducationSpecial Edition on Academic Advising and Tutoring for Student Success in Higher Education: International Perspectives. Research sessions focused on articles from this Special Edition
- Launch celebration for CRA/UKAT RAPPORT Journal final edition. Sessions focused on retrospective of case studies of personal tutoring practice
- UKAT-AMOSSHE Joint webinar on Academic Tutoring and Student Services. Never the twain shall meet or perfectly entwined?
- Mentoring and support for those interested in gaining UKAT Professional Recognition
- UKAT Awards ceremony
- Social activities and networking opportunities