Supporting Students at Scale

Michelle Craig(Solutionpath)
Glenda St John (Solutionpath)

Tuesday, March 30, 2021 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM

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Session Outline

The next academic year will see the rise of a blended model of academic delivery meaning the physical distance between tutors and students will be here to stay, regardless of the pandemic. For many courses, the digital world will be key to teaching and learning, raising challenges for tutors about how support is accessed and delivered to their students.

In this session, we address the changing needs of students in this new environment, the challenges tutors face in meeting expectations from a distance, online and at scale. We aim to create a forum for discussion around this topic, share knowledge from the Solutionpath community and demonstrate how student engagement data and technology can help support this blended delivery approach.

The format for this interactive discussion session is:

  • Introduction: Changes in environment, why is this topic important
  • Discussion: interaction and feedback on your current challenges to scaling support and anything that is working well / views on new approaches that could work well
  • Examples: how data / using engagement can help