Co-leading a review of personal tutoring: lessons learnt from joint student-staff engagement on personal tutoring
Monday, April 7, 2025 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
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Session Outline
Personal tutoring and academic support can—and should—be vehicles for student success. At Warwick, the personal tutoring system has historically followed the traditional pastoral model. As the institution enters its 60th year, we recognise that it is time to challenge some of the assumptions around how personal tutoring operates and what it looks like for students and staff alike. A full review of personal tutoring was commissioned in November 2024 and for the first time at Warwick this review is co-chaired by a student sabbatical officer and a senior academic. Following the successful model of student and staff co-chairing developed in recent years, this review is a thoroughly joint student and staff project with the intention of shifting the focus around personal tutoring onto the positive aspects of the role.
In this workshop, we explore some of the principles for such a join student and staff review, reflect on our experiences to date and encourage workshop participants to consider how they can learn from the approach taken at Warwick and in particular how to place an emphasis on the positive aspects of student success inherent in personal tutoring. We also discuss some guiding principles around co-creation of personal tutoring and some recommendations for what to avoid and how to approach this area.
Learning Outcomes
- To develop greater capacity to engage students meaningfully in improving personal tutoring at an institutional level
This session addresses the following competencies of the UKAT Professional Framework for Advising and Tutoring