Outdoor Adventure Coaching for Reflection and Team-Building
Monday, April 7, 2025 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
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Session Outline
Do you remember playing outside? Throwing a ball, climbing a tree or running around with a blindfold. That was fun, right? But it was also very educational! Discover how you can guide your students to combine group coaching and deep reflection while enjoying playful games outside. Outdoor Adventure Coaching (OAC) is rooted in Experiential Learning by Kolb (1974). It is a method that engages students in a series of safe yet challenging outdoor activities within peer groups. After each activity, the group reflects on their experiences, which is a powerful tool for team-building and personal self-reflection. In the following activity, each participant is invited to look for their own opportunities for personal growth. This offers a practice ground for new behaviours. The playful setting, nature and the peer group all take up a co-coaching role, making this a true team effort. Outdoor Adventure Coaching is an effective form of facilitated peer supervision for first-year Learning Communities, as it challenges students to actively confront personal obstacles in a safe environment. This session will not include a long theoretical introduction. We immediately step out into the proverbial ‘mud’ and experience what Outdoor Adventure Coaching can do.
Will you come out and play?
Note: Please consider your clothing. The activity will take place outside and will include mild movement.
Learning Outcomes
Wijnands, P., & Scheres, M. (2019). Handboek Adventure Therapie met kinderen, jongeren en hun gezinnen.
This session addresses the following competencies of the UKAT Professional Framework for Advising and Tutoring