Advising Outcomes – Drafting the contours of a curriculum

Oscar van den Wijngaard (Maastricht University)
David Grey (UKAT)

Monday, April 7, 2025 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM


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Session Outline

Academic advising and personal tutoring are increasingly understood as a learning process, a form of supporting students as they develop agency and resourcefulness. This implies that goals for advising are more and more seen as the intended outcomes of learning. Such outcomes can be tailored towards specific groups of students with specific needs, but there is a growing awareness that there are many milestones in the process towards attaining more agency and ownership that are relevant to all students – and that advising can contribute to reaching those milestones. Which outcomes contribute to reaching those milestones, and how one outcome may be necessary to get to the next, are questions of a pedagogical nature, and the plan that emerges from answering those question is often called an ‘academic advising curriculum’. In this session, we will provide participants with the basic means to start working towards the outline of such a curriculum. On the basis of the Academic Advising Curriculum (Grey & Van den Wijngaard, 2023) we will first explore the goals that participants (and their units or institutions) identify for advising. Next, we begin the process of translating these goals into concrete outcomes, connected to the participants’ academic and/or advising calendars. A complete advising curriculum will require more time and design thinking than this session can provide, but participants will come away with an approach and a general a structure that serves as a starting point for further development.

Learning Outcomes

Participants are familiar with, and can attribute meaning to, the concept of learning outcomes in the context of advising.
Participant have gained an insight into drafting the contours of an academic advising curriculum.


Grey, D. & Van den Wijngaard, O. 2023. The academic advising continuum: a tool fo reflecting on the how and why of advising. The Mentor: Innovative Scholarship on Academic Advising 25, 23-35. DOI: 10.26209/MJ2563317

This session addresses the following competencies of the UKAT Professional Framework for Advising and Tutoring