Evidencing the Value of Academic Advising Through Quality Enhancement

UKAT/LVSA (Dutch Advising Association)

Tuesday, April 5, 2022 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM

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Session Outline

This session is one of our regular collaborations with our Dutch colleagues, and is a sequel to the UKAT-LVSA Advising Symposium held on 2 December 2021.

Academic advising and personal tutoring are recognized as having great potential for both student and institutional success, and yet often seem to be lacking the recognition practitioners feel it deserves: a seat at the table, a clear mandate of its own, a career ladder and relevant professional development. In this session, Dutch and British participants will explore the link between quality enhancement and strategies for positioning personal tutoring and academic advising more firmly and prominently within institutions, and the higher education landscape. The session is open to conference delegates, and all UKAT and LVSA members.