Lightning Talks
Tuesday, April 5, 2022 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
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Session Outline
When tutoring meets data: creating bespoke student support
This lightning talk will provide a snapshot into the models, processes and preliminary outcomes of a new academic tutoring process built around student engagement data. With a focus on improving student retention, enhancing student engagement and supporting student attainment, the model centres on offering a bespoke 1-1 programme of tutorials for students most at risk of disengaging.
During this session we will share our vision for tailoring student support around each individual's specific academic needs. The session will provide insight into how we gather this information via engagement analytics, online diagnostic tools, student-led needs analyses and a network of cross-institutional referrals, and how we then build a university-wide academic tutorial offer for all of our HE learners, irrespective of course, discipline or level of study.
Online or face to face? That is the question.
This session will outline initial findings from a project exploring student preferences for online or face to face academic personal tutoring, shedding light on a question that has dominated headlines in the sector since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. We focus especially on under-represented and international students, whose circumstances are likely to have the most impact on their engagement with different modes of tutoring. The audience will be asked to briefly share their own experience of tutoring in different modes.
The objective of this session is to share the findings of our project exploring student preferences for online or face to face academic personal tutoring and to provide the audience with a starting point for considering this in their own context(s).
Power to Progress: a digital approach to progress tutorials
In April 2021, colleagues at B&FC developed Power to Progress, a digital, self-paced tutorial package to develop students’ academic, professional and personal skills (Wingate, 2011). Students at each level are asked to complete a range of core and elective modules on the Canvas VLE, and progress tutors are able to track completion and identify students who may benefit from intervention. The lightning talk will explore how this innovative programme supports retention and achievement. Moreover, we will present some initial outcomes.
This session addresses the following competencies of the UKAT Professional Framework for Advising and Tutoring
C3 - Academic advising and tutoring approaches and strategies
C5 - How equitable and inclusive environments are created and maintained
I1 - HE Provider mission, vision, values, and culture
I5 - The characteristics, needs, and experiences of major and emerging student populations
I6 - Campus and community resources that support student success
I7 - Data and information technology applicable to tutoring
R1 - Build advising and tutoring relationships through empathetic listening and compassion for students, and be accessible in ways that challenge, support, nurture, and teach
R3 - Motivate, encourage, and support students to recognize their potential, meet challenges, and respect individuality
R4 - Plan and conduct successful advising and tutoring interactions
R7 - Collaborate effectively with campus services to provide support to students
P1 - Create and support environments that consider the needs and perspectives of students, and respect individual learners
P2 - Appreciate students’ views and cultures, maintain a student-centred approach and mindset, and treat students with sensitivity and fairness
P3 - Commit to students, colleagues, and their institutions through engagement in continuing professional development, scholarly enquiry, and the evaluation of professional practices
P4 - Understand the implications of quality assurance and quality enhancement, and engage in on-going evaluation and development of advising and tutoring practice