Tutoring for Postgraduate Research Students - the forgotten group?

Mike Knowles (Teesside University)

Tuesday, April 4, 2023 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

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Session Outline

Undertaking a research degree is a transformative experience and yet postgraduate research (PGR) students are often overlooked when considering the student experience due to the unique and individual programme of study each student follows. This means, however, that PGR students are much more likely to encounter individual issues and feelings of isolation than those students on taught courses. PGR students are also more likely to require bespoke advice on their wider academic development and how their studies might impact their future beyond their research degree. The role of supervisor or supervisory team often becomes conflated with that of a personal tutor - more through accident than by design. Furthermore, while many institutions provide staff development on the supervision of research, there are very limited examples of staff development on the advising and tutoring aspects specific to PGR study

In this session we will seek to examine these issues further by discussing the following key questions:

  1. What are the key advising and tutoring issues that are likely to be faced during PGR study?
  2. How can supervisors and supervisory teams be supported and developed in delivering this?
  3. What support might be needed outside of a supervisory context and how can this contribute to a student-centred, transformative student experience?

The outcome of this session will be a roadmap for future research based on the issues identified in the discussion presented as an infographic prepared after the event. This will be disseminated via social media and if participants are amenable a community of practice will be established via a suitable platform e.g. LinkedIn

This session addresses the following competencies of the UKAT Professional Framework for Advising and Tutoring
C1 - Core values of academic advising and tutoring
C3 - Academic advising and tutoring approaches and strategies
C4 - Expected outcomes of academic advising and tutoring