Mini Modules – Supporting Academic, Personal and Professional Development.

Melissa Jacobi (Sheffield Hallam University)
Sarah Bosch (Sheffield Hallam University)

Tuesday, April 9, 2024 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

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Session Outline

Sheffield Hallam University’s Academic Advising Framework (2018) and Policy (2019) identifies that the institution’s academic advising offer supports every student on a taught course’s:

• Academic Progression

• Personal Development and

• Professional Development

In May and June of academic year 2021/2 the Central Academic Advising team proposed a Non Credit Bearing Module for every course which would be the institution wide ‘home of Academic Advising’ and include a range of mini modules to support a consistent understanding of and development opportunities in the core remit of Academic Advising across the institution. This proposal was endorsed by the Teaching and Learning Leadership Team and Academic Board.

During academic year 2022/23 a cross institution working group led by the Head of Academic Advising devised and created a series of mini modules built in the Articulate Rise platform covering:


o Level specific modules for FY, L4, L5, L6, continuing L7 & student new to L7.


o Introduction to EDI

o Micro Aggressions

o Being Anti Racist

o Language and Identify &

o Celebrating Diversity


o Five Ways to Wellbeing

o Enhancing Motivation

o Stress Management

o Overcoming Perfectionism and Procrastination

These mini modules akin to a micro credential (Hunt, et al. 2020) support the institutional vision of being sector leading in Academic Support. Each mini module is underpinned by Learning Objectives, have interactive elements and a quiz/knowledge check and target key institutional priorities such as reducing Academic Misconduct cases, developing a sense of belonging for minoritised student groups and supporting student wellbeing. The project is being evaluated during academic year 2023/24 with a Theory of Change underpinned evaluation to establish the most effective implementation methods for academic year 2024/25 onwards.

The Theory of Change Evaluation utilises Blackboard sites with approximately 7,500 students enrolled on them, where students are asked to complete a pre and post module confidence surveys to help establish the impact the mini modules have to support student development. Interim findings will be provided during the presentation.

Utilising mini modules to underpin Academic Advising means Academic Advisers will have a consistent frame of reference to underpin discussions with students, and support their wider development in line with the academic advising remit. This session will provide the opportunity to understand the project, view the mini modules and consider whether such resources might support their Advising/Tutoring offer.

This session addresses the following competencies of the UKAT Professional Framework for Advising and Tutoring
C3 - Academic advising and tutoring approaches and strategies
C5 - How equitable and inclusive environments are created and maintained
I6 - Campus and community resources that support student success