The Personal Tutoring for International Students SIG aims to create a professional network of personal tutors working to understand the issues, concerns and challenges of working with overseas students. Furthermore, this network seeks to disseminate best practice related to supporting international students studying in higher education institutions.


All UKAT members who have a role in supporting international students in higher education institutions. This is group is also open to colleagues with an interest in inclusive personal tutoring.


The Personal Tutoring for International Students SIG mission is to stimulate critical dialogue by connecting academics from different higher education institutions and disciplines who support international students.

Forthcoming Events and Activities

SIG Launch with meet and greet introductory social

First term of 2023-2024 academic year


Group meetings

2 x annually



Picture of Daniel Gellai

Daniel Gellai

King's College London

Picture of Sherry Cai

Sherry Cai

King's College London