This SIG will facilitate discussions between UKAT members interested in understanding and investigating contributing factors and barriers related to Student Engagement with Personal Tutoring and Academic Advising.


UKAT Members with an interest in Student Engagement.


  • Share good practice and experiences.
  • Potentially conduct research into student engagement in Personal Tutoring and Academic Advising.
  • Discuss opportunities and challenges in Advising and Tutoring.

Contributions and Outputs

The Student Engagement Special Interest Group has recently contributed to the enhancement of personal tutoring/academic advising practice in higher education through the creation of the following outputs:

  • Top 10 Tips for Student Engagement resource
  • Why Don't They Attend - webinar focused on a cross-institutional project facilitated by the SIG using the Listening Rooms methodology to understand barriers to student engagement and what a good tutoring/ advising experience looks like.

Forthcoming Events and Activities

Meet and Greet August/September 2020 Online
2 x Meetings November 2020 and February 2021 Online


Picture of Jean Assender

Jean Assender

University of Birmingham